Current Status
Introduced Date
Number: SB 1390
Sponsor: Guillermo Smith, Carlos
Title: Availability of Marijuana for Adult Use (Identical HB 1501)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: --
Number: SB CS 138
Sponsor: Wright, Tom A.
Title: Driving and Boating Offenses
Current Status: passed
Introduced Date:
Committee: --
Number: HB 1125
Sponsor: Owen, Michael
Title: Regional Planning and Economic Development (Compare HB 1185)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Commerce Committee
Number: SB 142
Sponsor: Polsky, Tina Scott
Title: Protections for Public Employees Who Use Medical Marijuana as Qualified Patients
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Health Policy
Number: SB 1452
Sponsor: Truenow, Keith L.
Title: Department of Business and Professional Regulation (Identical HB 1461)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: --
Number: HB 651
Sponsor: Tuck, Kaylee Alexis
Title: ON AGENDA for: 03/31/25 4:00 PM Mashburn Hall (314 HOB) Agriculture & Natural Resources Budget SubcommitteeDepartment of Agriculture and Consumer Services (CS/SB 700 similar)
Current Status: in_committee
Introduced Date:
Committee: Agriculture & Natural Resources Budget Subcommittee
Number: HB 83
Sponsor: Rosenwald, Mitchell
Title: Protection for Public Employees who use MMJ as a qualified Patient
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Government Operations Subcommittee
Number: SB 146
Sponsor: Polsky, Tina Scott
Title: Protection of Parental Rights (Identical HB 993)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Judiciary
Number: SB 226
Sponsor: Gruters, Joe
Title: Smoking in Public Places
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Regulated Industries
Number: SB 188
Sponsor: Berman, Lori
Title: Possession or Use of a Firearm in a Sensitive Location
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Criminal Justice
Number: SB 512
Sponsor: Harrell, Gayle
Title: Medical Marijuana Edibles
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Health Policy
Number: HB 1205
Sponsor: Persons-Mulicka, Jenna
Title: Initiative Petitions for Constitutional Amendments
Current Status: passed
Introduced Date:
Committee: --
Number: SB 552
Sponsor: Gruters, Joe
Title: Medical Marijuana (Compare HB 555)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Health Policy
Number: SB 728
Sponsor: Martin, Jonathan
Title: Cannabis Research
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Criminal Justice
Number: SB 546
Sponsor: Gruters, Joe
Title: Home Cultivation of Marijuana (Compare HB,555, SB 334)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Health Policy
Number: HB 601
Sponsor: Cassel, Hillary Brisson
Title: Hemp Extract Products (Compare SB 334, SB 1030)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Housing, Agriculture & Tourism Subcommittee
Number: SB 778
Sponsor: Guillermo Smith, Carlos
Title: Qualifying Medical Conditions for Medical Use of Marijuana
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: --
Number: SB 1270
Sponsor: Collins, Jay
Title: ON AGENDA for: 04/01/25 1:30 PM (412 Knott) Health PolicyDepartment of Health (Identical HB 1299, Compare HB 1085, SB 1166
Current Status: in_committee
Introduced Date:
Committee: Health Policy
Number: SB 470
Sponsor: Rodriguez, Ana Maria
Title: Naturopathic Medicine (HB 533 Identical)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Health Policy
Number: HB 555
Sponsor: Andrade, Robert Alexander
Title: Marijuana (compare SB 334, SB 546, SB 552)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Health Professions & Programs Subcommittee
Number: HB 533
Sponsor: Smith, David
Title: Naturopathic Medicine (SB 470 Identical)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Health Professions & Programs Subcommittee
Number: SB 1264
Sponsor: Collins, Jay
Title: Rural and Urban Business Enterprises
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: --
Number: HB 1185
Sponsor: Sapp, Howard Lee
Title: Department of Management Services (Compare HB 903, HB 1075, HB 1125, SB 1264, SB 1290)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Government Operations Subcommittee
Number: SB 1028
Sponsor: Davis, Tracie
Title: Public Records/Expunged Criminal History Records (Linked SB 1026)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: --
Number: SB 1026
Sponsor: Davis, Tracie
Title: Expunction of Qualifying Marijuana Offenses (Linked SB 1028)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: --
Number: SB 438
Sponsor: Burton, Colleen
Title: Food and Hemp Products (Identical HB 1597 Compare HB 601, SB 334, SB 1030)
Current Status: passed
Introduced Date:
Committee: --
Number: SB 1030
Sponsor: Davis, Tracie
Title: Food and Hemp Products (Compare HB 601, SB 334)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: --
Number: SB 1032
Sponsor: Davis, Tracie
Title: Licenses for Marijuana for Personal Use
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: --
Number: HB 993
Sponsor: Campbell, Daryl Nevroy
Title: Parental Rights of Qualified Patients (Identical SB 146)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Civil Justice & Claims Subcommittee
Number: HB 1597
Sponsor: Trabulsy, Dana
Title: Food and Hemp Products (Identical SB 438)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Housing, Agriculture & Tourism Subcommittee
Number: SB SJR 864
Sponsor: Guillermo Smith, Carlos
Title: Elector Votes Required to Approve an Amendment to or a Revision of the State Constitution
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: --
Number: SB 926
Sponsor: Guillermo Smith, Carlos
Title: Public Service Announcements by State Agencies (Similar HB 727, Compare SB 860)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: --
Number: HB CS 687
Sponsor: Kendall, Kim J
Title: Transportation Offenses Involving Death (compare CS/SB 138)
Current Status: in_committee
Introduced Date:
Committee: Judiciary Committee
Number: HB 1501
Sponsor: Nixon, Angela "Angie" Monique
Title: Availability of Marijuana for Adult Use (Identical SB 1390)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Health Professions & Programs Subcommittee
Number: HB 1299
Sponsor: Yarkosky, Taylor Michael
Title: Department of Health (Identical SB 1270)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Health Care Budget Subcommittee
Number: HB 1461
Sponsor: Yarkosky, Taylor Michael
Title: Department of Business and Professional Regulation (Identical SB 1452)
Current Status: introduced
Introduced Date:
Committee: Industries & Professional Activities Subcommittee
Number: SB 700
Sponsor: Truenow, Keith L.
Title: Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (CS/HB 651 similar)
Current Status: in_committee
Introduced Date:
Committee: Fiscal Policy