3351 N. University Drive
Suite A
Hollywood, FL 33204
Phone: (954) 424-6674
404 South Monroe Street
224 Senate Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100
Phone: (850) 487-5035
404 South Monroe Street
224 Senate Building
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100
Phone: (850) 487-5035
FLCAN supports safe, affordable, and accessible Cannabis for patients. The Constitution was amended in 2016 by popular vote to allow qualified patients access to medical Cannabis. This program must be reauthorized should Amendment 3 - adult non-medical use pass in November.
The Department of Agriculture is already licensing businesses to grow, process, and sell low-THC Cannabis products. The Department of Health licenses businesses to grow, process, and sell Cannabis products to qualified patients. After the passage of Amendment 3 in November, we will have non-medical adult use.
I am a nurse practitioner 33 years in healthcare I have supported the legalization of Marijuana. I worked in research medicine for 5 years and saw firsthand the benefits of cannabis. As the former Mayor of Broward County, I have been a supporter of the legalization of Marijuana for my entire 14 years in elected office. I would continue to support it on a Statewide level and would be open to introducing legislation to help the cause.